Tuesday, November 29, 2011

See you...In December!

Already...I know!

We're slowly winding down the classes - but certainly not the store, as this is of course one of our most busiest times with everyone picking up supplies to make the gifts they should have started a month or two ago. (Guilty as charged!)

We do have a few awesome classes lined up to tide you through to the new year.

Thursday we're busy with both an open beading night with Stephanie, and of course our weekly torchworking happy hour. We'd love to see you there!

On Friday, come and learn how to make these fabulous netted snowflakes with Pamela:

These Rings with Bling would make an awesome gift for a special someone on your list - Monday the 5th with Robert

And on Wednesday the 7th, Rae will be teaching our most frequently requested technique....pearl knotting!

We also have a brand spanking new class with Lyndsey coming Friday November the 9th!

These leather wrapped cuffs are just gorgeous! I can see these being quite addictive to make. Wear a bunch!

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