Tuesday, November 01, 2011

It's November!

Wow, time really flies. If you're planning on making your Christmas gifts this year, it's time to get busy. And nothing gets your creative juices flowing like a class! We've got lots of them for you.

Let's start off with a beginner stitching class. Whip up a bunch of these for your tree - and some to friends as well!

Netted Snowflakes with Pam Kearns. November 11th, 6 to 9pm!

Making your own findings adds a certain quality to your work. Learn the basics with Rae in her Findings Please class.

November 8th from 6pm to 9pm

Lots more classes listed in our November class schedule - Check them out!

I thought I'd share a couple pics taken during the Micheal David Sturlin classes. Hopefully, we'll be able to bring him back again next year!

The bracelet is our very own Rosemary's!

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