Friday, October 14, 2011

Painting with Fire

Every now and again I get to try out new kits, techniques, or processes. Some, I discover are not for me, or some I enjoy - but I find the process far too time consuming to bother continuing to do. Enameling has long been on my to do list. I even went so far many years ago to pick up an enameling kit. The kit came with all sorts of pieces including sifters, talk of sifting and washing enamels, screens, trivets, and multiple kiln/torch firings. I still do mean to try it out one day, but the whole process seemed time consuming, with far too much 'fiddling'.

Lets fast forward to a new kit/book I just recently picked up. Painting with Fire by Barbara Lewis.

The book is highly inspirational, the kit simple, and affordable.  The process? Dead easy. Really. Barbara Lewis posted a blog post a while back that demonstrates the process and the differences between her method, and the traditional torch fired method. Seriously, it really is that easy.

I've now made a whole bunch of pieces, which I'll share with you tomorrow. It's far too late for me to get decent photo's. :-)

We do not currently have these kits/books in stock. I was mainly testing to see if it was something we should carry. I think we should - if this is something you'd be interested in, let us know! Comment here, or send an email to

I'm just scratching the surface with this technique, and today's post is little more than an introduction - but if you have any specific questions regarding the technique, please let me know. I'd be happy to answer, or at least find out for you.

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