Tuesday, October 04, 2011

October is Full!

Stephanie just posted some pics on facebook from her last open beading night. Joyce, a new beader just made her first piece of jewelry at the last open beading night. Way to go Joyce! Gorgeous!

Have you looked at the October class schedule lately? Wow, there is rarely a day posted where we don't have some sort of class on! With the exception of Thanksgiving, and one lonely Wednesday - there is a class every single day!

We have 2 guest instructors this month - Kellie De Fries is here to teach her Flatback Master Application course, and then we have internationally renowned goldsmith Michael David Sturlin will be here teaching how to create gorgeous, supple fine silver chain, forged links, and settings.

Want to see more? here's a sneak peak at what's coming up. Full listings on the Schedule!

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