Friday, September 30, 2011

Pssst...Hey! Wanna cute free blog?

So, this morning while I was forced to wait for something - I decided that I should redesign my blog....again.  I have a bad history with my personal blog. (not this one!)

1) I'm not so great at keeping it updated. I have great intentions, but updating it is always so far down the list of priorities.

2) Stupidly at some point I decided to go with a pay for use blog. I have no idea why I did that, but when it came time to renew recently, I was seriously wondering why I ever thought that was a good idea. I'm now back to using blogger. And blogger is just fine! I mean really, why on earth would I pay to use a blog that I'm rarely going to update? (trying to be honest with myself here)

While over at the graphics fairy looking for ephemera backgrounds to use in photography, I came across a link to The Cutest Blog on the Block . They have a ton of free templates, backgrounds, animations, banners, etc to use in your free blogger blog. Especially handy for those of you who aren't technically savvy - they actually show you step by step how to apply and use any of their blog goodies.

If you've been thinking of getting a blog, or updating your current one, be sure to check it out!

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