Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Kellie De Fries

Yes, that Kellie!  The Crystal Ninja herself will be in the house October 13th and 14th teaching her flatback application master class. Now, don't get yourself overly excited as obviously you will not be making the Mad Hatter in class. You will however be well on your way to creating your own fabulous designs on your cell phone, shoes, clothing, hairbrushes, your nails. Just about any surface you can imagine can be blinged up with Swarovski Crystals!

The details are not yet on the website, and we imagine that spots will fill up insanely fast.  Here's your chance to get in before the class gets posted.

October 13th from 6 - 9pm  $40 plus a $25.00 kit fee

October 14th from 12 to 3pm $40 plus a $25.00 kit fee

See image below for more details about the class and kit fee's. Please call 416.701.1373 or 1.877.473.BEAD (2323) to register.  Click on the image below to make it bigger (and readable)

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