Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Chainmail and wireworking classes

Sorry for the tardy post today - It's back to school, and flu season has hit us early. Since Thursday, at least one of us has been sick. I think we're finally almost through it... crossing fingers!

Have you been considering adding wire working to your jewelry making repertoire? While not wireworking per se - chainmail is an excellent way to add exquisite metal designs to your beadwork. It can be complicated - but the example above is actually quite simple in construction. Best of all, working chainmail does not require a lot of expensive tools or materials.

Start with Marilyn Gardiner's Japanese Flower Chainmail class - It's a beginner class, and all are welcome regardless of experience.  Next thing you know, you might be creating something as elaborate as:

Lots more wireworking classes coming up with Rae, Malliga, and Marilyn. Be sure to check through our upcoming classes for more info!

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