Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Back to School

Yes folks, It's almost that time again. Once we get the wee (or not so wee) ones settled back in school and regular activities - it's time to start thinking about our continued learning. For most of you reading this blog it's all about the bling, and of course how we can improve our bling. Classes, books, magazines, websites - no matter what our time constraints are, or our ability to travel, there are a ton of resources available to us.

Personally, this year will be the first time (in a number of years) that I will have both children in school full time. My youngest starts grade 1 next week. As tempted as I am to spend my first week of freedom snuggled up on the couch with a bunch of brainless novels - I know I would get bored pretty quickly. I'd feel pretty guilty as well as I do have a to do list about 10 miles long ;-)  What I do want to focus on are the things you've all heard me blabber on about before. Exploring more mixed media jewelry projects, using enamels, improving my bead making and metal clay skills. I suspect just those alone will keep me busy for some time to come.

We do have some awesome classes coming up in the next couple of months. Classes are an excellent way to kick start your creativity. When it's in my budget, I never shy away from taking a class where I think I'm proficient. I find I always learn something new - a new way of working with a material, new combinations, new/different tools.  And then of course classes in things I know nothing about - even If I have no intention of using that particular method in most of my creations, it's always nice to have new skills to add to your repertoire.

The big news this fall is of course our two guest instructors. Michael David Sturlin who is teaching 3 different classes for those of you who are eager to expand your metal working skills. Michael is a world renowned goldsmith who is on the faculty of the Revere Academy of Jewelry. This is a fantastic opportunity to study with one of the 'greats'.

Free hand fabricated fine silver chain (Crochet)  October 18th - 19th

Forged Links and Modular Elements  October 20 - 21

Pierced Prong and Cabochon Pendant  October 20 - 23

We also have Leah Fairbanks! Leah creates stunning little miniature worlds in glass. Dwyn and I are particularly excited - and of course were both signed up. I can only take one, as much as I'd love to take both!  Learn how to make gorgeous petals, backgrounds, vines and leaves in her floral garden class. September 16th and 17th

Leah is also teaching a Sea and Seashore class - mermaids, fish and other fabulous sea creatures! September 18th and 19th

Lastly, one little change of plans for the Metal Clay Playday coming up. I stupidly set my playday for September on the same day I'm taking Leah's class...Doh! We've cancelled that one, and I'll run an impromptu play day THIS Saturday coming (September 3rd) from 10am to 5pm. Since it's the long weekend I do ask that you pre-register for the playday before 7:30 pm on Friday. I know some of you like to just come by if you can make it, but this weekend it's especially important to sign up. Otherwise I won't be there :-)

Lastly, I have a little favour to ask of all of you! If you are planning on taking any of our classes - please sign up as early as you are able. In order to be fair to our instructors, many of whom have quite some distance to travel to get here - we need to give them appropriate time to prepare for a class. If we don't have the required number of students within usually a week of the class date, we may have to cancel the class. Unfortunately, it never fails that we have last minute signups - but by this time the instructor has already potentially made other plans. To avoid disappointment (both for our students, and our instructors) please sign up at least a week in advance.

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