Monday, May 02, 2011

A Little Something for Mother's Day

Mother's Day this coming weekend - second Sunday in May - and while some of you - most of you probably - still have your mom active and mobile and living "in the world" - some of us have mothers that have downsized just about everything, have moved into a retirement home, and have declared a ban on gifts that take up any space at all. All well and good, but it really limits the gift options!

You find you need to stick to consumables like food (ha - with her restricted diet - no choices there) or soaps, or perishables - like flowers. Flowers are good - and I've learned that you can specify a bouquet without a vase when ordering for delivery - and you get a way bigger bouquet. (I got a lot of flack about the vases collecting in the house - she started having to give them away to the cleaning lady.)

She still can see and likes to read, so books are acceptable (I've convinced her it's okay to give them away after reading them) and this year, I'll be sending her a couple of book marks, for something a little more personal.

They are an easy and quick project - customize them with a crystal in her favourite colour, (headpin and a wrapped loop and a jumpring) or make it a family project - have each of the kids make one and use their birthstone colour. They are inexpensive enough to give several! You could also find a charm or a found object that has a special significance.

Oh, and I can recommend the book pictured above too - "Jewels," by Victoria Finlay. It's a history of the various gemstones - where they come from, the circumstances around their discovery and use. Actually - I recommend anything by her - her stuff is great!

Happy Mother's Day!

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