Thursday, May 05, 2011

500 Beaded Jewelry - Call for Entries

500 Beaded Jewelry

Lark Jewelry & Beading seeks excellent photographs of excellent, original beaded jewelry pieces to publish in a new collection, 500 Beaded Jewelry, that will be juried by Ray Hemachandra. All jewelry forms, such as necklaces, bracelets, earrings, pendants, rings, etc., will be considered, and we hope to capture a diversity of forms. The book will publish in Fall 2012 or Spring 2013. Download the PDF entry form here.

(From Ray: I want to emphasize using professional photography with excellent focus, background, contrast, and color. Beaded work is notoriously difficult to photograph well, and because this is a book of photographs, the image quality is just as important in jurying as the excellence and originality of the beaded jewelry the photographs capture and celebrate—I’ll select good work in a great photograph over great work in a poor photograph. I often advise artists that it can be worth having professional photography done even if your pieces end up not being juried into the book, because then you have professional images available for various marketing uses—for website, business cards, brochures, submissions in competitions, etc.)

We prefer images of pieces that have not been published previously, and please do NOT submit images of pieces that have been published in any Lark book. Recent work is strongly preferred.
For this book, we will be accepting digital images only. There is no entry fee. Artists will receive full acknowledgment within the book, one complimentary copy, and discounts on the purchase of additional books. Artists retain copyright of their work.
Entries must be postmarked by July 15, 2011. We encourage early entries!

Mail materials to: Dawn Dillingham/Lark, 500 Beaded Jewelry, 67 Broadway, Asheville NC  28801
We hope this collection will feature a wide range of contributors from around the world: Please support our efforts by sharing this listing with your local or national bead group, society, or store; emailing and Facebook messaging your contacts with the listing; and by receiving updates about the book by joining the brand new Lark Jewelry & Beading Facebook page at Thank you!

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