Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Joy of Metal Clay - Big Beautiful and Bronze Dragonfly

Over the past couple of weeks I have mentioned my plans to make a bronze brooch using the inexpensive brooch findings and also my plans to make a dragonfly. This weekend I "killed a bird with one stone" and made a bronze dragonfly brooch. Unfortunately, it is not dry enough to fire, but I will post pictures of it once fired soon.

Here it is in process:

1.I rolled out a body making one end thicker than the other.

2. Then I slit the top of the thicker end to help make the "buldgy" eye shape.

3. I cut out four wings (free hand). I used a piece of screening as texture.

4. I attached the body to the wings.

5. I added a rope of clay along the bottom wings, then three lavender CZ's at the bottom edge of a wing. (I hope they hold???)

I will post a photograph after it is fired.


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