Tuesday, April 05, 2011

April is Beginner Month

If you're a beginner looking to learn the basics of jewellery making, you have options this month. From basic bead stringing to lampworked beads, its really up to you.

Marilyn Gardiner, a long time instructor with beadFX, is teaching her Bead Stringing 101 class April 16th, 10am to 12:30pm. You'll learn how to make a single-strand bracelet and/or necklace.

basic bead stringing 1

Here's another beginner class for you: Introduction to Art Clay Silver, April 30th 10am - 5pm. In this class you will learn the fundamentals of working with Art Clay Silver. We will mold, shape and texture this revolutionary material to create your own one of a kind, fine silver jewellery. During the class, you will have the opportunity to create earrings, charms, or a pendant. All materials included!


Another cool jewellery making technique is Wire Working. Wire Sculptor, Robert Burton, is teaching a 3 week beginner wire working course (only 3 hours per week), starting April 21st
6 to 9pm.
You'll learn basic wire techniques, wire wrapping and wire sculpting. Robert will also discuss the properties of various types of wire and the appropriate wire to use with different projects. Students will attempt to complete 4 projects: a pendant, earrings, wrapped cabachon and a bracelet.

cabochonpendant copperbracelet

What if you want to learn how to make your own beads? Try Introduction to Lampworking, April 10th, 11am to 4pm. This class will introduce you to the wonderful world of making lampworked or flameworked beads. Topics covered include: making Glass Beads, types of glass, overview of the equipment and tools, basic safety information, and setting up a home studio.

lampwork rainbow flower

For other beginner classes and advanced level classes check our April class schdule.

Adios Amigos!

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