Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Beads of Clay

I don't know about you, but when I'm particularly swamped I start obsessing about all of the really cool things I could work on if I only had the time. Of course, once I actually have the time - I'm too tired to actually do anything :-)

My latest re-obsession is to pull out my ceramic clay and start playing again.  Once I get a chance, I'll blog a bit about it - including my upcoming pottery class! I don't really have all that much interest in making bowls and plates - But I do want to make beads/pendants, and learn slip trailing, and proper glazing techniques and such. The City of Pickering offers a 10 week course in the city run pottery studio. Unfortunately, the class is still over a month away I think ( Spring signup starts in a month)....

In the meantime, have a look at some of the fabulous beads and pendants created by ceramic artists on the BeadsofClay website, and blog. You'll find technique posts, artist interviews - and of course lots of eye candy.

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