Sunday, January 16, 2011

Joy of Metal Clay: A new product!

Photo taken from from Whole Lotta Whimsy

I recently read about a new product (at least new to me) called clay bond. Hmmm...interesting but what does it do?

Apparently, it can be used to bond metal clay or sheet metal together. It is described as a powder made of silver and a binding agent that becomes a solder that attaches your pieces ?!!!! It says it can be used for copper, bronze and brass. (not sure if it can be used with other metals)

The powder is mixed with water to make a paste, that it is brushed (with a stiff brush) on to the piece where you want to make a join. The paste will dry and will form a bond that holds the piece in place. Then the piece is fired embedded in activated carbon.

Here is a link from a Cool Tools which describes it and provides directions: CLAY BOND

It can also be purchased from Whole Lotta Whimsy

I will have to try and get my hands on some and experiment. One great possibility I see for this is to help repair some of the base metal clays as some of them do repair very easily.

Has anyone tried this??? Any comments? When I get my hands on some I will let you know what I think.

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