Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I've gone ahead and ordered myself a Christmas present! Unfortunately, I think I ordered it a bit late, and it's arrival prior to next Friday is unlikely.  Quite a while back, I first heard of Zentangle I think through Sue Henry at one of our Metal Clay playdays. In any case, I thought it was kinda neat, but I certainly didn't have time to start playing with something else. Since then, I've seen a ton of references to the kit  online through artists blogs. It was time!

So what is a Zentagle exactly?  Basically, in it's most simplistic - it's doodling. We all doodle to an extent, some more than others I imagine. Are you once of those people that doodles on your note pad during meetings, or while chatting on the phone?  I am - I can usually barely make out my notes from all of the various little eyes and curlicues all over the notes.

From their website: Zentangle is an easy to learn method of creating beautiful images from repetitive patterns. It is a fascinating new art form that is fun and relaxing. It increases focus and creativity. Zentangle provides artistic satisfaction and an increased sense of personal well being.

I've also found a bunch of blogs, and youtube video's. I especially like this one:

Google Zentangle - follow the links, check out the blogs. There is some really cool stuff out there. Personally, I'm outta here to get myself a good technical pen. I don't think I can wait for the kit to arrive!  My Daughter Maya is going to love this as well.

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