Tuesday, December 07, 2010


As the year comes to an end, I think it appropriate to say it's been an eventful year at beadFX. Variety of instructors with a variety of classes. I hope you enjoyed the classes as much as I enjoyed organising them.

There's a lot to look forward to in the new year. We have 4 guest instructors coming to teach in 2011. I won't spill the beans on the identity of all 4 instructors, but I can tell you that Michael David Sturlin is going to be back. Fabulous jewellery designer, Diane Fitzgerald will be teaching next Spring. You'll have to wait to find out who the rest are.

Of course, we'll continue to offer regular beading, lampworking, metalsmithing, and metal clay classes. Don't forget to check our Classes/Events page regularly.

Are you looking for something creative and fun to do with your kid/s? The Parent/Child Art Clay Silver class, coming up December 18th (12 - 3:30pm), is a fun way to include your kids in a hobby of yours or try something new with them. Children must be 10 yrs or older in order to participate.

If you enjoy our metal clay play days, there is just one left in the year - December 19th.

Happy Holidays to you all!

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