Friday, December 17, 2010

Inspiration Friday - Special Edition

Heh - My special edition really means I have nothing this week for you. :-) I have been busy, and working on gifts - including an all nighter last night to get my kids treasure boxes made.

Unfortunately, no picture as my card reader as gone awol. But basically, I've got a total of 6 stacking paper mache boxes. 3 for each girl.  I downloaded some digital scrapbooking kits, and printed out paper, and other elements which are then modpodged onto the boxes. I'll embellish further with some hot fix swarovski's. I still need to pick up some hotfix stones, and I'll take some pics once they're done. 

For those of you who need some play time to make your last minute gifts - Join me on Sunday for the last metal clay playday of the year. You won't be alone! We have 9 people signed up to join us already :-)

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