Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Business Chat - Selling and You

Oh boy, I am one busy little elf these days and I’m sure all of you are too. Between orders and shows there’s all of those brilliant ideas I had to make gifts this year. While I’ve become much better at time management within my jewelry business, I’m not very good at time management for stuff like knitting hats as a gift. Or making ornaments. In the new year I intend on spending some time talking about time management.

For now I’m continuing on in the same thread of the past couple of posts – selling at crafts shows. Even at the One of a Kind show, where I expect that all vendors are professional I saw all sorts of really dumb mistakes, the sort of mistakes that can impact sales and not in a good way.
First, make sure your business card or postcard is all over your booth in places that it’s easy for a customer to take. If you’re busy talking to one customer, another may not want to wait, they can grab a card and contact you later.

Second, if you’re a jewelry designer, wear your OWN jewelry. Seriously. Standing in your booth with no earrings on is not an option. Neither is wearing someone else’s work. Wear several pieces all at once. Try not to wear pieces that are one of a kind. When people admire the necklace you have on, you should be able to point to one just like it on the table for them to try on.

Third, you are part of your brand, look like it. Dress to match your booth design and your jewelry. If you make sleek, modern, contemporary work then leave the tie-dye shirt at home. If you use primarily earth tones and pastels, wear those. If you make bridal jewelry do not wear faded jeans and a turtleneck. Speaking of turtlenecks, NEVER wear a turtleneck!!! Many customers are buying the items as a gift and want to see it on someone else’s neck. Think of husbands, they aren’t going to try on a necklace, however if you try it on for them then they can see what it looks like. Right up there with turtlenecks are brightly patterned shirts. Leave them at home. Again, you may need to try on various pieces for people and they need to be able to see the jewelry, not the shirt.

I prefer if people do not try on earrings however some will without even asking. Make sure you have alcohol swabs in your booth kit for cleaning. Even if you have loads of mirrors on your walls (if you have walls) always have hand mirrors available. Check your local dollar store for great hand mirrors, and the price is right in case any get broken or stolen (yes people will steal a $1 hand mirror).

I’d like to say thanks to those readers who stopped by my booth to say hi. Feedback is always appreciated. And speaking of feedback, I’m writing a schedule for my business posts for the new year. Now isn’t that terribly organized of me? What would you like to hear about? Go ahead, ask me a question!

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