Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Joy of Metal Clay - What to do with your less than perfect pieces....

OK, so the title "less than perfect pieces" is probably not the best title. As many of those of you who know me will know that I am not one for absolute perfection. I embrace the nuances of imperfections (most of the time). What I mean in the title is what to do with the pieces you are not so happy with.....

I, being the experimental woman that I am, will often make crazy things that afterwards I say to myself "What the heck was I thinking?" Over the years I have managed to temper this spirit (slightly) as this can drain your bank account. I have learned to play with plasticine, playdoh or polymer clay to get some of this crazy spirit out without ruining my more costly metal clay. Another cost saving solution I have adopted is to make prototypes in base metal clay.

Needless to say I do have a large bin of stuff that I am too embarrassed (or proud) to place on my table for sale. So what the heck do you do with it?

I will often keep it in a bin and pull the pieces out every now and again to see if I am inspired to add something to the piece to improve it. Other pieces are in a pile to send to the refinery (whenever, I around to it). Sometimes take some of the disastrous silver metal clay pieces and break off pieces and melt them into silver balls to add to something else.

Still, I have a large containers of stuff just gathering dust.

During show this fall, I had an epiphany. What if I combined it all together into one large crazy necklace?

It may not be for everyone but here is the result:

The great thing is I can still take the pieces off and use them for something if I am inspired and they are all visible and now I can actually see them on a regular basis.

You don't need to make it into a necklace, you could just make it a bracelet. I was lucky as I had tons or copper and bronze rings to make the chain but you could use a thick purchased base metal chain and add you pieces too.

I love this necklace of wacky creations and now the pieces aren't hiding in a box in the studio but getting to see the light of day.

All together they make a perfectly imperfect piece!!!!


P.S. Would you believe I have enough to make more of these necklaces???

NOTE: By the way, I will be supervising the Metal Clay Play day for Jennifer Tough TODAY at BeadFx. I don't know how much space there is but stop by and say high. Participation is $10 per person and allows you access to the studio and tools and includes firing of your silver clay pieces made. I won't be teaching but working on some pieces and I will be available for questions.

I will bring the necklace with me...

1 comment:

  1. Love this necklace, lol, would wear this in a heart beat. Great ingenuity! I added your blog to my blog list so my readers can follow you too! My blog is
