Monday, November 08, 2010

Inspired InStyle

InStyle magazine is one of the few fashion publications that I buy with any frequency - and that is only because they usually have a minimum of 3 pages devoted to jewelry. This particular issue was a hum-dinger however, with a whole whack of inspiring ideas.

I was uber pleased to see big rings, big bracelets and lots of jewelry in general. Not because I actually care about fashion - "Really?" - those of you who have met me would say, "I would never have guessed!" Careful putting your tongue that far into your cheek - it might come right through! Anyway - I personally don't give a rat's patootie for the dictates of fashion - but I'm always pleased to see people wearing jewelry I like and admire. (Hey - is that not a really wonderful necklace on whosis on the cover? Wonder if I could make something like that ... )

s26872 Stone Beads - 16 mm Round - Angelite (1)The point is - there was LOTS of stuff in this issue what was totally up my alley - and so, armed with some of the Angelite from last week's update - which was also just too beautiful to pass on - I decided to actually try and make or adapt some of the designs I really liked.

This dangling earring with the big bead at the bottom, looking bottom heavy and like it swings like crazy - just really appealed to me. Yeah - you need a long neck to carry off the long earrings.

So here's my take on the earrings. A headpin, a long brushed silver tube (from my stash) and the bead at the bottom.

(If you are looking for the tubes, the store appears to be sold out of the really long ones, the shorter ones are on the site - or maybe some bugle beads, or a piece of chain?) Metal Beads - 10 mm Slender Tube - Brushed Silver

Next up - these armfuls of wrist candy impressed the heck out of me - pile on the scrumptious, stone bracelets! Also digging that tassel - top right.

Whoa dude - there's that tassel idea again.

So here's my take on that - brushed silver beads, a handmade chain tassel, and Angelite beads.

Notice how I used the big square beads with the open centres? Also the smaller donuts, again with the big open holes. Kewel, eh?

To make the tassel - take some thin wire, about 22 gauge. Thread the end link of a piece of chain onto the wire, and measure about 1 inch. Cut the chain, and put the next link on the same wire, and measure against the first piece, and cut the chain again. Repeat - until you have a nice full tassel. In this case, I deemed that 15 looked pretty good. Especially as I used sterling chain. I suggest using a silver plated chain to keep the price down.

The ragged edge from the imprecise measuring looks nice. It fans out and looks like it was deliberate. Which it was. ;-)

Twist the wire around itself and secure and trim one wire, and then put the other wire up through a bead cap, and make a wrapped loop on the top of the bead cap. Et voila - a tassel!

These sterling pebbles with the Angelite look fabulous, and the dark bead is a dragon shaped bead that a friend brought me back from a trip.

Normally I love copper and turquoise - these copper pebbles and the Angelite - not quite sure about this - but hey - beads are about as recyclable as it gets, and I can always take it apart and do something else!

Hey - look - another pair of earrings popped out - just 'cuz.

Big juicy rings are such fun! They are playful and don't have to be taken too seriously! Jen's Bird's Nest ring technique adapts wonderfully. Thread the bead on your wire (About 6 feet of 22 gauge) - and take the bead to the center, folding it in half. Pull the two wires down through a monster bead cap, and then separate and proceed with making the ring. (The bead cap was from my stash from a looooong time ago.)

A few Pacific Opal Swarovkis complement on the side - the colour is very close to the Angelite.

All in all - a goodly haul of loot. Not bad for a strand of beads and a magazine!

Go here for the brushed metal beads.


  1. Wow Dwyn,

    You were certainly busy this past weekend! Awesome. I think I'll have to pick up an issue - been trying to keep my magazine purchases down, but that one looks like a keeper.
