Friday, November 19, 2010

Inspiration Friday

If you would like to participate in our Inspiration Friday posts and get some free publicity...Come on people - free publicity is good!  It really can be anything at all, as long as you were inspired from the post to make something. It should be new.

Once you've got it made, send us a picture and we'll post it here. Submissions should be sent to with the subject line "Inspiration Friday"  There is no timeline, so please don't worry about trying to complete it within a week.  If you have a blog, or an etsy (or similar) site - we'll post a link to your site if you wish.

Judy Lovell sent us a fabulous bracelet this week - entitled Dolly. Have a look! Also be sure to check out Judy's blog

I'm still on a bit of a polymer kick. While I had a lot of fun making the steampunk hearts - it's not really my style - I thought I'd play a bit on my own. I was particularly inspired to create some weathered looking pieces. I even found a silicone mold I made a while ago of some coral. These made awesome little 'lichen' inspired stones.

I haven't yet sealed any of these, as I'm not sure yet what to use. Any polymer experts out there? I don't want them to be glossy - and prefer a matte look with these.  On one of the rings, I used Helen Breils texture stamp.  These are so, so much nicer than my first attempts at polymer clay. And then of course I discovered Polymer Clay Daily. Good G*d - there are some insanely talented people out there. If any of you have snobbish attitudes towards polymer clay...You won't for long.  Wow, Wow, and Wow....

I recommend checking out that link when you have time to kill. Seriously, there is so much incredible eye candy....You're about to lose hours!

And so I present you my very humble polymer clay beginnings.



  1. Gail Bryant2:44 PM

    Pretty bracelet, Judy. And for you, Jen (and all p-clayers), I saw some jaw-dropping polymer clay work at the TBS show (Toronto) recently. Barbara Colautti, who's artistic name seems to be Barenzi, was there with a large display of her original pieces. They are literally "mind-blowing", from her gorgeous artistic designs to the extremely precise craftsmanship. [Her husband does all her sanding and buffing... I'm green with envy.] I couldn't find any website for her, but if you get a chance to see her work at a beading or craft show, take a good long look. Her work in polymer clay is the most lovely I have ever seen. Prepare to be both intimidated and inspried. I bought 3 of her OOAK beads. Gail

  2. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Hi Jen
    Thanks so much for posting my bracelet and the link to my blog and thank you Gail.
    Jen, I really like your polymer clay pieces and am glad you're taking us along on your journey with polymer clay. I hope we get to see more of your work. Judy
