Friday, October 29, 2010

Inspiration Friday

If you would like to participate in our Inspiration Friday posts and get some free publicity...Come on people - free publicity is good!  It really can be anything at all, as long as you were inspired from the post to make something. It should be new.

Once you've got it made, send us a picture and we'll post it here. Submissions should be sent to with the subject line "Inspiration Friday"  There is no timeline, so please don't worry about trying to complete it within a week.  If you have a blog, or an etsy (or similar) site - we'll post a link to your site if you wish.

We have a submission this week from Jeannie Galt who has been getting ready for the holidays with these cute little snowmen earrings - and worry dolls!  Thanks Jeannie

Good thing Jeannie had something, as I'm still working on mine for this week!

You can see more of Jeannie's work here

Jeannie Gal

And here's your pic for next week:

Texas Red Columbine

If someone else would like to choose a future pic, let me know!

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous work by Jeannie! I just added her to my favorites on ArtFire and on FB. The worry doll is amazing in particular :o)

    Nathalie in Calgary
