Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Online Tutorials

Now that my first tutorial is out - and I really had quite a bit of fun working on it! Is this something you'd like to see more of at beadfx?  A number of classes I offered in the past could be made into tutorials - some more complex than others.

I'd love to hear any comments you have about tutorials in general.

Do you purchase online tutorials?
What price range are you willing to pay?
1) up to $5.00
2) 6 - 10
3) 11-15
4) 16 and up

If you have purchased online tutorials before - are you generally happy with the quality of information and instruction provided?

What topics of tutorials would you like to see?

I know, a million questions - but now that I've got one under my belt, I'm quite excited about the possibilities!

1 comment:

  1. Carol Cooper12:31 PM

    Hey Jen - I love purchasing on-line tutorials more than anything else. You could call me a tute junkie. I'm most interested in anything related to lampworking and metal clay. The quality I have purchased in the past is for the most part, good to excellent adn I've paid up to $15 for one tutorial or $25.00 for a multi-tutorial set dependant upon who it is written by.
