Friday, August 20, 2010

Inpiration Friday post

Nathalie pointed out this week that I have forgotten to post the info on how to participate in our Inspiration Friday Posts. Doh!  Sorry about that.

Here's the info right at the top from now on.  We'd love to see what you have made from an Inspiration Friday Post. It doesn't matter what week it's from - I can't even manage to get one done every week ;-)

If you have some pics - send it to with the subject line Inspiration Friday. Let me know which picture inspired your creation. Feel free to send us more info - Your process, is the item for sale?, is it posted on your website or blog?

Nathalie made this based on the white flowers post from a few weeks ago:

Dogwood Blooms

I made my pendant using PMC3... it’s set on hemp cords with some Greek ceramic beads, and sterling silver clasp/extender.

For more details, you can see my listing here on Artfire:

I think we can all learn some tips from Nathalie's product photography - well done! - and a stunning pendant too. Thanks for participating!

Mine isn't quite ready yet - but here is this weeks pick:

A pumpkin spirit

What? I know - OK, so this one is a little weird - but think Halloween! It's coming up,  so let's come up with some cool Halloween jewelry - tacky, or elegant (is that possible)? 

Send your submissions to subject: Inspiration Friday

1 comment:

  1. Oh gosh! I don't know about this halloween stuff...... I'll have to think about it. I'll try to do something 'elegant' :o)

    Thank you for your kind words on my product photography, it has taken me a few years to get to this point (over 12,000 shots taken, loads of practice!).

    There's a really super helpful thread on Artfire about product photography. Tony (he's the Executive VP of Marketing of Artfire and a professional photographer with 20 years of experience) here:

    Any artisan who sells their creations online should read this thread (and feel free to ask questions too! it's opened to all Artfire members, whether you have a free basic account or a Pro studio - they really want sellers to succeed and top notch product photography is a big part of an online seller's success)

