Thursday, July 01, 2010

A new obsession?

Maybe, maybe not - But I do have something new and fun to experiment with! And I think everyone knows by now that I love new toys. :-)

I'm quite curious about this product, but to be completely honest - I haven't really seen much done with it yet that I've become enamored with.  This is powdered glass, and when mixing or sanding this product - you do need to wear HEPA particulate mask. As soon as I find it (it's somewhere in my basement) I'll mix it up and have a go with it.

Glass clay is similar to metal clay's in that it does need to be fired with a kiln, and torch firing is not an option with this.   I have the system 96 version of the sample pack - and I've also got a stash of Uroboros glass rods. Not sure if anything can be done with both, but we'll see.

Stay tuned next week to see what I've come up with!

Happy Canada Day - Hopefully, we'll have some good weather! Enjoy your day...

1 comment:

  1. This is interesting! I had never heard of it up until now. I can't wait to see what you do and what you think of the product.

    Happy Canada Day!
