Friday, June 25, 2010

Inspiration Fridays

My original plan for last week was to make a metal clay ring with a concave flower, filled with resin, and a bunch of copper tendrils poking out through it. - Well, as usual - I didn't get the time for that, but I did make these cute little earrings. I think I'll enjoy this, even if no one else plays along!  It's the same idea as the ring a day projects, and even skull a day.  As much as I'm always inclined to join in on those types of things - I have a hard time finishing one project a week - let alone 7! 

So, here is my little pair of earrings - maybe with this next one, I can take on something a little more ambitious. :-)

And here is your inspiration for next week:

If you would like your work showcased - send your pics to - Subject: Inspiration Fridays.



  1. I have my design in mind for last Friday's picture, but I just haven't had time to get in the studio to do it. It's a time consuming piece...

    Can we submit our pictures even if we're past the week after the photo is posted? I sure hope so... the picture really inspired me last Friday. It's so pretty!

    Love these earrings, very pretty!


  2. Absolutely! The idea is to make something - the when is far less important :-)

    Since It was my idea - I thought I should get 'something' up - still want to do my ring though... :-)

  3. I can't wait to see your ring!

    I want to do a bracelet with mine :o)
