Sunday, May 23, 2010

Mug Shot Voyeur

A large heaping scoop of schadenfreude - that's what this site is about. (Schadenfreude - pleasure in someone else's misfortune - in case you missed the meaning of this oh-so-useful word).

This site - the Smoking Gun - features mug shots of celebrities - actual mug shots - taken when they were arrested for their excesses of behaviour and/or lack of judgement. How ghastly do they look with out their make-up, careful lighting and sympathetic photographer? Is the mug shot the ultimate leveler? You decide.

You can gloat over Bill Gates being arrested for a traffic violation in '77 (although, admittedly - he looks about the same) - or how about someone from the historical section, such as "Tokyo Rose."

Fascinating stuff.

1 comment:

  1. Lyndsey7:55 AM

    LMAO! Who SMILES for a mug shot??? Randy Quaid and Mickey Rourke! ROFL!
