Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Off on yet another new tangent

Yesterday was our monthly metal clay playday, and I had a pretty solid plan for what I wanted to work on. A little while ago, I got some fabulous heart shaped digital collage sheets that just begged to be made into art clay pendants. The original plan was pretty basic. Make some heart shapes, cut out the paper, and resin them in....
While taking a wee break, I had a look through Sherri Haab's mixed media book - I would link to it, but we seem to be out at the moment. In any case, the book features a ton of projects combining metal clay with resin, concrete, enamel, among others.  I came across one project that used a digital collage, but instead of printing on regular paper, you print in reverse (assuming there's text) on transparency film, and then back it in gold leaf. I happened to have a pack of transparency film, I just needed to get the cheap gold foil. I do have a book of real gold leaf for lampworking, but I wasn't about to use that for this project.

I've got the pendants now fired, and tumbled. The transparencies have been printed and glued in. I'm now just waiting for them to dry, and then I'll pour the resin. I think these are going to turn out fabulously.

Here are some preliminary pics. I'll post some better pics once I have the resin poured.

These are the foiled hearts. I like how the foil breaks a wee bit. Hopefully, it'll give it a bit of a mixed metal look with the silver peeking through. We'll see how that works out.

The pics of the metal clay hearts didn't quite work out. I'll try again later today. Next time I make these, I'll make the images much smaller. The hearts are quite large, but I still managed to make 3 pendants with one pack of clay, and a syringe. 

More to come!

1 comment:

  1. What a creative use for digital collage sheets, your pendants turned out fantastic, what a great effect the gold foil produces.

    Cheers for sharing,
