Saturday, February 06, 2010


Sorry about not posting yesterday. I spent the day reading Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell at the hospital. My mom had gone in for a day surgery procedure, and I had fully intended to post when I got back.

So much for that! I got caught up in my book, fell asleep early - and now it's Saturday already :-)

Hopefully, we'll get an update from Marg on how things are going in Tucson. I believe she'll be back at some point tomorrow, although possibly quite late. I know all of us are quite excited to see what she comes back with!


  1. I recently read that too. It's definitely different!

    A recent read that was really awesome was "Night at the Lonesome October" by Zelazny. It totally rocks. It's also a Victorian England + Magic, but written from the dog's point of view.

  2. Ohhh...A dog's point of view? I think I'll have to pick that one up for sure.

    I originally bought the Jonathan Strange book when my dad was in the hospital, but I was too distracted at the time to really get into it.

    I just recently found it on one of my bookshelves. Can't believe I hadn't thought to pick it up before now...magic, Britain, fairies? Everything I love :-)
