Saturday, December 26, 2009

Sneak Peek at Next Year

Well - can't give you a sneak peak at next week - as we're taking the week off and next week's new stuff is the same as this week's new stuff.

So, instead - I'd give you a bit of a sneak peek at the coming year.

One thing we definitely have planned is to expand our range of Miyuki beads. Check out the Miyuki website for the inside scoop on the sort of seedbeads that entails.

Another major project that we hope to make progress on is to update the shopping cart on our website. Our requirements are pretty specific - and so we're shopping the shopping carts. We hope to add more function and flexibilty - like logging in to check your order status and wish lists.

We're really looking forward to 2010 - we're planning on having a great year - and we'd like to wish you all a great year too - from all of us here at beadFX!


1 comment:

  1. Oh, wish lists would be AWEsome!! Another christmas/birthday/mother's day gift list solution!
    Yaaay on the miyuki as well.
