Thursday, November 12, 2009

Power Failure

We are currently (as at 5:50, Thursday evening) experiencing a power failure. Please call before coming in! Happy Hour Torching may be canceled.


  1. Bummmmerrr!!!
    Finally get a Thursday night free, throw on some quick dinner for the DH, mad dash to the car, finally make it to the store through the rush hour traffic, sooo excited, happy hour torching, yea!!!! Booo - no power for blocks and blocks and blocks. Ah well next week maybe.
    See you then.

    Linda C.

  2. Rats!!! So disappointing - it is the highlight of my week.
    Finally a Thursday night free for me. Throw on a quick dinner for the DH, dash to the car, battle the rush hour traffic, soooo excited, Happy Hour Torch Night, yippee. Booo-hooo no lights on for blocks and blocks and blocks.
    Maybe next week - see you then.
    Linda C.
