Friday, August 28, 2009

Super Sneak Peek

Not to be confused of course with Dwyn's Saturday sneak peaks. I'm not sure when these will show up on the site, or the floor - but we have some very exciting new tools coming soon.

Think fabulous new tools from Lindstrom, and lortone tumblers, and...

I got a peek into the boxes Marg just brought in, and I'm very, very excited.

Also, I got an email from a friend of mine this morning. If you are in the Toronto area, and you LOVE hostas - you'll want to check this out.

Hi Everyone, I am letting you know about a super hosta plant sale this Sat
and Sun for a friend of mine. The prices are the best, as low as $3.00, you
will ever get and there are hostas you will not get at your every day garden
center. I am doing my friend a favour. I am at 57 Garden Street in Whitby.
I also have big Rose of Sharon trees in pink, blue and white. Thank-you for
reading and please pass the word. This is well worth the drive if you are
far away. Barb

Woohoo...I'm going to be there bright and early on Saturday :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,
    A friend just told me they saw a sign today on Garden Street for a hosta sale...just wondering if this would have been the same sale you refer to from last year? If so, can you let me know because I am a hosta collector and would be interested in purchasing some if I don't have them yet.

