Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Playing with copper

Last night, we had our monthly Ontario Art Clay Addicts meeting. The topic this week was copper, specfically Hadar Jacobsen's Copper clay in powder form. You can get a 100gm tub of powder for $20 US. Big price difference from the silver!

There were 9 of us last night, and we mixed up 2 100 gram tubs. Mixing the copper powder was no big deal, and probably only took about 10 minutes total. The powder is nice to work with in that getting the texture you need is pretty easy to do. The first batch was drying out a bit, but I suspect that I didn't mix it quite well enough. The second batch was a dream to work with. Very much like ceramic clays.

Here are some pics of the finished pieces. I'll post more once I've got them fired.

This is how the clay powder comes packaged. It's awesome that you can mix up exactly how much you need, and not have to worry about it drying out.

Sandra perusing the pdf's from Hadar Jacobsens website

Heather, Iris, and Mona - just being silly.

Some of our test pieces. We can't wait to see how they turn out! I'll post pics of the fired work.


  1. Please Jen, I have been waiting with baited breath to see how these turned out.


  2. Having probs getting pics. Soon!
