Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Our love affair with etsy

I can't help it. I really can't... I adore handmade goodies, and even if I can't actually buy all of the things that I covet.. I do love to look. One day, while browsing around it came to me that since I spend too much time there as it is. Some work, but mostly not. It would be a natural extension to offer up some of our goodies on etsy. I ran it by Dwyn, as she is my voice of reason most of the time. I don't always listen... In this case, she agreed with me.

We have set up a sister site on Etsy. We've hand selected a few (ok, a little more than a few) items that we are offering up for sale on our etsy site.

Things are of course a little different there, one of which being that etsy is all in US dollars. As a Canadian, I prefer to sell in Canadian currency - no choice here.

This will of course work out for all of our American friends and customers who will find it much easier to purchase in their own currency. No surprises.

Also, you cannot combine your purchases on etsy with purchases on beadfx.com. The inventory, order processing, and shipping is being handled completely differently.

More goodies will be added to the etsy site all the time. It won't be updated any where near as extensively as our main site, and you may find items on etsy that we have limited quantities on, or no ability to restock. It's easier to list those items there. We hope you enjoy the new beadfx etsy site!

Dwyn has also set up a new etsy site for the inspirations that she designs for us. This is in addition to her lampwork site as well.....See, we're feeling the etsy love!


  1. dear g--, I'm the voice of reason. Be afraid, be very afraid.

    So, about that free trip to Czech for all our customers ...

  2. Figgs1:07 PM

    LOL....voice of reason!! (helpless laughter)!!

    Good idea though. I stumbled across it as you were setting up and thought somehow it had been there a while and I had missed it.

    I didn't realize it was in US dollars and I assume the shipping is too.

    Any chance of sending out BeadFX goodies in the regular mail?? I never put in a small order due to the cost of shipping. i.e. $4.00 worth of stuff would cost $6 to ship. Colour me "frugal". (G)

    Oh, and a trip to Spain for me, please.

  3. Yeah...I did make a funny there. I just like to run my 2 am ideas by someone first before acting on them. Lot's of things seem like a good idea at 2 am. It's important to not always act on those ones!

    As for the shipping...that's a tricky one. Number 1, if we do the "cheap" shipping. Someone has to actually go to the post office. 2 - Our pickup service charges just as much for regular parcel rate as it does for express. No point there.

    Since we can't promise when someone in the store can actually get to a post office. We decided that we couldn't do it.

  4. Oh, and about the price of the shipping. Yes, it also has to be in US dollars. But shipping charges are refunded if you pay more than it costs in Canadian. Confusing? :-)

    For example. If someone paid 3.50 US in shipping, but it only cost 1.20 canadian to send. The extra converted back to us would be refunded.

    Did that make any sense whatsoever?


  5. I have just signed up for FREE on Artfire and they show prices in the currency of your choice! Incredibly easy user interface and they are improving all the time! And lots of folks from etsy there too! You can list 10 things for free or unlimited for $14.00 CA (approx.)! Which is pretty amazing...not having fees rocks! I don't have credit cards so could never even get onto etsy. They also give you promo buttons, a shop window for your site or blog,amazing statistics analyzer and lots of other stuff. I really like it! My little shop is here: http://www.WingedHeartStudio.artfire.com
    Cheers! (I don't work for them lol!)
