Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How to beat...

I'm not sure how on earth I can top Dwyn's Oyster snot post from yesterday. I swear, I almost covered my computer in coffee. Too fuuny ;-)

Call for Artists. Some of our American friends might be interested in this one. It just came through my email box, but unfortunately Canadians are not eligible

Calling All Jewelry Artists!
Please share this with other jewelers and jewelry designers.

August 20-September 30, 2009
presented by the Durango Arts Center in Durango, Colorado
The National Jewelry Design Exhibition is established to showcase national artists working in the craft. The objective of this competition is to educate and promote an understanding of the medium of jewelry design.
This competition is open to all jewelry artists residing in the United States. Works must be original, fabricated within the last two years and may not have been shown previously at the Durango Arts Center (DAC). All works must be for sale.

Artists are encouraged to submit up to 3 entries. Nonrefundable entry fee: 1/$25, 2/$35 and 3/$45. Discounted entries for members of the DAC and students. Contact the DAC for the coupon codes. Exhibiting artists will receive a complimentary copy of the exhibition catalog and additional copies at a discounted rate. Submissions need to be entered through WESTAF's online application process available online at http://www.callforentry.org. Search National Jewelry Design Exhibition or Durango Arts Center. Professional photos are encouraged.

Artists are encouraged to submit their most creative works within the following categories: Gold, Silver, PMC/Other Metal, Non-metals and Beads.

Exhibition Sales
DAC will retain a 40% commission on all artwork sold during the exhibition. Works should be priced accordingly. Prices of works accepted into the exhibition may not be changed after submission.


Awards totaling approximately $3000 will be awarded by a qualified juror(s) to those artists that excel in jewelry design among the entries submitted and selected. Awards have been identified to recognize the variety of materials in the medium of professional jewelry design. There will be a student award to encourage new artists in the field.

Jeff & Susan Wise create one-of-a-kind jewelry that is remarkable for its integration of sculptured gemstones and fabricated metal to create a feeling of grace, whimsy and fluidity. They have exhibited their work in shows and galleries throughout the United States. Their work is in the permanent collection of the Smithsonian Institution, the Boston Museum of Fine Art, and the Museum of Art & Design in NYC. They have also shown internationally at the Hipotesi Gallery in Barcelona, Spain and the Glass and Metal exhibition in Pforzheim, Germany. They have taught at Penland School of Art in 2003 and juried the American Craft Council shows in 1993 and 2002.

Submission to this competition constitutes an agreement on the part of the entrant to the conditions set forth. Artist allows all accepted submissions to be photographed and used for marketing and promotion. Artist pay for shipping to and from exhibition. DAC reserves the right to final curatorial, educational, installation and marketing decisions. Entries that do not meet competition guidelines may be disqualified. DAC provides insurance for artworks while on premises and is not responsible for damage or loss during transport.


Friday, June 19: Entry deadline via http://www.callforentry.org
Friday, July 10: Artists notified via email
Thursday, August 13: Works due via shipment
Friday, August 14, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.: Hand deliver works
Friday, August 21, 5-8 p.m.: Opening reception & awards
Friday, October 9: Works returned


Several workshops, lectures, studio and gallery tours will be offered during the duration of the exhibition.


Please contact Heather Leavitt, heather@durangoarts.org, 970-259-2606 x15. Durango ARTS Center
802 East 2nd Avenue, Durango, CO 81301

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