Sunday, April 26, 2009

Extreme Poodle Grooming

I love the internet - the things you find! A friend, knowing my interest in all things doggy - emailed me these. Those are poodles, folks. White, Standard poodles - clipped and dyed.

Poodles - I've known a few - are pretty happy, goofy dogs and you have to have a sense of humor to have one. And I think that clipping your poodle to look like a camel is about the best expression of irreverent humor I've seen in a loooong time.

Now, before anybody goes all PETA on me - I did some googling around - and found the website of the owner/groomer of a lot of these. The dog LOVES the attention - how poodley of her! - and the dyes and etc are all non-toxic and are washed out directly after the show.

If I had a poodle - I would soooo do this! Budweiser poodle! My Little Poodle!! Viva Pinata Poodle!!!!


  1. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Oi. Parabéns por seu excelente blog. Gostaria de lhe convidar para visitar meu blog e conhecer alguma coisa sobre o Brasil. Abração

  2. This is true love by the Poodle. It must take hours/days? for the groomer to do these haircuts. But the results are stunning and would be a great conversation starter on any walk in the park.

    Good luck to them for having such a great pet and hobby. Thanks for the post.
