Monday, April 20, 2009

Evolution - or - I have no idea when to leave well-enough alone

I don't know when to quit. My motto is "More IS more." And "Go big or go home."

So I started out making a nice little bracelet in copper the other day. I was totally digging the effect of the dark green with the copper. I was really liking the glow of the green - and thinking about those honkin' green emerald earrings that Angelina Jolie wore to the Oscars - beautiful - but you could buy a small country with them.

Then, I thought - it could use a bit more copper to fill in. And I had some copper beads. So I filled in. And, atypical of me, I actually kept it consistent. The green beads were one on each side of the big links, and the copper beads were the same, always to the left of the green beads - I'm usually much more random than that!

So - I'm digging this - but out on my desk are some faceted amethyst chunks. And wow - the purple really goes with the green and copper - in very in your face hot-summer-day kind of way. And completely ignoring that whole Easter purple and green vibe. Gawd - I hate it when great colour combinations get so strongly associated with something that you can't separate them. Think "red and green" and you see tacky sweaters with reindeer and candy canes, or "hot pink and turquoise" - and you think of wrinkly snowbirds broiling on the beaches of Florida.

Anyhoo - now I'm trying to figure out if I'm done, or if I should put an amethyst chunk on every link; or maybe a Swa. Violet Opal Cube?, or Round?

Hmm - what else? Antiqued copper charms?

And we'll ignore the issue that I made it a bit small for myself to wear and will probably list it for sale anyway. ;-) Or should I donate it to the Corsage Project? Would someone like to wear it to her prom - do you suppose?

If you want the full scoop on how to make it and try this for yourself - LMK and I'll post it as an inspiration.


  1. Figgs2:06 PM

    LOVE IT! And please put it out as an Inspiration. I have lots of green and copper here to make it.

    I know you and there will soon be more items on that bracelent, grin. So put it out for sale and perhaps one of those *wrinkled snowbirds* (ahem) will buy it.

    Those Jolie jewels were stunning. I am assuming they were flawless Colombian emeralds. They absolutely glowed!!

    So here is my vote for making it an Inspiration....and you can make up some different ones too.

    PS...I am never, ever going to Florida, lol.

  2. I definitely like "the more" bracelet. Just looks opulent!
