Thursday, February 19, 2009

Spring Colour Report

Ahhhh, Spring. We need it to come soon. We've had some little glimpses of the sun here and there, and the days are finally starting to become noticeably longer. Our staff have been working on jewelry designs that have a definite spring feel.

Just in case you haven't seen it yet, here's the Spring Colour Report from Pantone.

" Spring traditionally evokes a sense of freshness and new beginnings, with sprouting shoots and blossoming flowers that inspire designers to breakout of the winter doldrums. Bright colors return to the top 10 list for spring ’09, as designers incorporate vibrant pops into their collections, yet temper the vibrancy with deeper, translucent or neutral tones. “New York’s fashion designers encourage hopeful attitudes with lively colors, while sophisticated, grounded hues address the need for stability in times of economic uncertainty,” said Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute®."

To view the new spring colours check out this PDF

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