Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Move over February, Make Room for March!!

February has been an awesome month for classes so far and it's not over yet.

We have a 5 hour Introduction to Glass Bead Making class with Amy Waldman-Smith on Sunday February 22nd from 11-4.

And of course we have the beautiful Dancing Dahlia Brooch with Nadine Foskin on Saturday February 28th!

As great as February was, March is looking even better. Sunday March 1st we have Robert Burton's Wire Wrapping 101 class. This class fills quickly so early registration is strongly recommended.

Monday March 2nd is Wire Wrapping 201. This is an intermediate class ideal for those who want to continue with more complex wire work. Students should take the 101 first.

Heather Bell-Denison's Charmed I'm Sure on March 3rd.

And Nadine Foskin's Wild Flower Pendant on Saturday March 7th.

And that is just the first week!!

Tune in next for more details on upcoming classes!!

Happy Beading

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