Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Well, it's the New Year

Sigh....The holidays never seem quite long enough. I had a ton of plans over the holidays to get my house organized, end of year paperwork finished, and a good plan for the new year. It's now the 6th, the organization was not finished, the paperwork not finished....and no planning done ;-)

I did however spend some wonderful time with my girls. My oldest is so excited about the new craft space in the basement, she helped out a little bit, but between lots of outings, some family Wii sports matches, and baking sessions....By the time my husband and I got the kids to bed at night, our energy had dwindled...I'll still report on it's progress once we're back at it later this week.

I did manage to score big time at Goodwill. I got a fabulous craft table (an old wooden dining room table that seats 8) for a grand total of $8.99! That definitely fit within my budget :-)

I'm also spending this week and next doing our planning for the year ahead. I've got lots of ideas brewing about in my head to make us better than ever before. New, fun, classes and events, improved back end systems which are so close to coming to fruition. We're also planning little improvements to the store and studio throughout the year.

I wish you all the very best with your plans for the New year!


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