Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Rest of January!!

Even though the month is nearly over, we still have lots of exciting classes coming up. This Saturday January 24th is Catherine Winter's last class until June. There are still spots available so call now if you are interested!

We also have a 2 day lampworking weekend coming up on January 24th and 25th with Amy Waldman-Smith. This is a very comprehensive introduction and is also a great way to warm up during this horrible deep freeze! Come by and try it out.

There are only 2 spaces left in the Photopolymer Plate Workshop with Suzanne McNenly on January 31st.

Just a reminder about the date change for Cindy Vroom's Basic Bead Stitching 101--new start date is Thursday February 5th.

Kate McKinnon's classes are filling up quickly as well. There are only 2 spots available for the Fine Silver Metal Clay Chain on Wednesday May 20th. There are also a few spaces left in the Boxes and Birdhouses class on Saturday May 23rd. We seemed to have new sign ups everyday so if you are interested you should register as soon as possible.

Don't forget Open Beading Night next Thursday from 6-8pm.

Have a great week.

Happy Beading!

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