Friday, January 30, 2009

Open House @ Nortel this Weekend!

No, not THAT Nortel! The Nortel that makes our awesome torches, and supplies us with tons of cool flameworking glass and supplies.

The open house will be today, Jan 30 and Saturday the 31st . Dwyn, myself, along with other artists have been invited to come and demo - so if you have any questions, you can come down and ask in person. They will have a full range of torches set up, so if you want to try out a new one, this would be the time to do it! They will have specials on glass, and other artists - and if you want to bring some of your beads to sell, swap or just show off - please do.

The time and location info is on their site, (www.nortelglass) and if you are coming to sell or swap, it would probably be a good idea to call or email them to let them know you are coming. ;-) Bring your friends - this is open to the public. Bring your friends that have no idea what you do, and can't figure out why a single bead should be worth that much. We'll straighten them out on that!

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