Monday, December 29, 2008


Hi, My name is Dwyn, and I'm a tool junkie. It's been 3 days since I bought a tool.

Guys do not have the market cornered on loving tools. I have probably met as many women tool-junkies as men - maybe more. I personally love to try out new tools, in the hopes that they will make some tricky task easier. I also love it when I find some tool that is beautifully designed or overcomes a design flaw from other versions of said tool (As witness to this - I offer "True-Parallel Love" from my OTHER blog - primarily of interest to other lampworkers.)

As you can see from this photo - I'm really over endowed in the plier-department!

However - if you are just getting started, the number of tools you need is really quite minimal.

I also offer this advice:
  • do NOT buy all your tools with the same colour handles. (You are going to find it much easier to reach for the yellow handles or the blue or whatever, instead of focusing on the end to see what the tip is like.)
If you have already bought a matched set - despair not. Use coloured tape, nail polish, or even a nice, durable acrylic paint to mark the handles so that you can readily ID them. One stripe for the flat nose, two for the round nose.

Individualizing your tools also comes in handy when you take a class. I always schlep my own tools along to a class. The teacher may have lots, maybe not, but I always work better with my own. I'm used to the balance and the fit in my hand.

It also makes them easier to get back from any other tool-crazed person you might have in your household.

"But honey - those miniature pliers are great for fishing dropped nuts out of the carburetor."
"Fine - I know what to get you for your birthday - now hand mine back or die!"

Tomorrow: What is that list of minimum tools?

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