Friday, December 26, 2008

Happy Holidays!

I would like to second what Dwyn posted yesterday. I hope everyone had a fabulous holiday/turkey day. I'm still stuffed, and am buried under a mountain of kids toys. Today, we're doing more visiting, and of course the organizing begins. - Where do we now put this new toy mountain? Must get it out of my living room!

I got the most awesome gift from my husband...The promise to clean out and organize my studio. It's probably a gift to himself more than anything. :-)

I do a lot of crafts, and so do the girls. Our house has bits of craft supplies everywhere. He has promised to help finish setting up my studio in the basement. Over the holidays, we're going to clear out all of the junk, and set up the basement so that the girls and I can actually work down there. We started this last year, but life got in the way - it never got done.

I can't wait! It will be lovely to have everything in one spot.

On another note, we are posting new inspirations daily over the holidays. Be sure to have a peek!

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