Thursday, December 11, 2008

Call out for Instructors

As we head into the holidays, things start to settle down a little here. We seem to be the opposite of most retailers. We have two busy seasons, one starting in February/March, as all of you jewelry designers start hustling to get your designs made up for your Spring/Summer shows. Then, we're busy again starting in September, as you all start working on your holiday/Fall shows.

At this point, those of you giving handmade gifts have already started making them (or if you're really good - you're done!) I don't fall into that category at all - sigh

While we have a little more time on our hands, we start planning out the classes for the new year. We're always on the lookout for fresh talent, and new and unique classes. If you have something you think might be a good fit for our store - Send an email to We'll then arrange to meet to discuss all of the details, and see if we think your project will be a good fit.

I know we have tons of super talented customers. Let's see your stuff, and it's a great way to make some extra money!


  1. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Oh! Oh! Pick me! Pick me! I could conduct a killer course on procrastination and creative uses for dust-bunnies!

    But somehow, I get the impression that's not quite what you had in mind...

    Back to the drawing board...

  2. Anonymous11:50 PM

    How about "Hoarding Beads 101?!"

    Okay, okay I'm just going to go make some jump rings now...

  3. Well - if there's a demand for this course ... but it might be something that people already know. ;-)

    I could teach "How to double the value of your car by loading two bags of beads into the trunk."

  4. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Ha, ha -- no kidding!

    Oh -- here'a another one: "rejeuvenate your flooring with Japanese seed beads."

    Um...we won't elaborate on that one. I'm just glad nobody else was home at the time to bear witness...
