Saturday, November 08, 2008

Sneak Peek at Next Week

s18856 Stone Beads - 10 mm Round - Pink Crazy Lace (strand)Hey - it's that time again - time for a new stone of the month! Okay - could somebody please explain to me where these months keep going? Anyway - Pink Crazy Lace - yummy happy pink. If this weather keeps up - we won't need happy colours to keep us cheerful, but the odds of that happening are . . . ooooh, slim to none. And Slim just left town. This is Canada, after all.
s18906 Swarovski Vintage - 10 x 15 mm Jewel Bug - Creased Oval Connectors (Article 3219/4)  - Emerald (1)
Also - more "Jewel Bugs" - these fun two-hole beads are Vintage Swarovski - yes - even though there are no facets - these are Swarovski. See how nice they look in Cynthia's Jewel Bug inspiration? Now we have a colour range. Doubt that we can restock these, however. Git 'em while they're hot!

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