Tuesday, November 25, 2008


The Toronto Star had a nice little article on flameworking yesterday in a special section on Continuing Education. The article focused on Sheridan College in Mississauga, but still - it's nice to see something you love featured.

BTW - Flameworking = lampworking = torchworking = wound glass. It's all the same thing. Originally - glass was melted over small oil lamps - hence the older name "lampworking." Torchwork or flamework would be more accurate, but the name "lampwork" does seem to hang on. Wound glass describes the process of winding it off the rod of glass as it melts - as opposed to "blown" glass - which is - well - blown! Of course - to make it more confusing - you can blow glass - on a small scale - in a torch.

I will be teaching a Lampworking (Flameworking/Torchworking) 201 class starting in January - it is already half sold - but if you have started lampworking (Flameworking/Torchworking) and want to go further, and love the structure of having one night a week devoted to the torch! - then email us for details. We'll be focusing on more sculptural forms.

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