Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Million Dollar Necklace

I will be demoing my "Million Dollar Necklace" this Friday and Saturday at the Creativ Festival (in Toronto, in the South Building of the Metro Convention Centre.) This will be the first time that I have demo'ed this piece, and I know quite a few people have asked about it.

It's was dubbed the Million Dollar Necklace partially because, loaded as it is with Swarovski Crystals - it's fairly pricey to make - but mostly because - you feel like a million dollars wearing it! It's truly Oscar-worthy. You'll never be anything other than the centre of attention wearing this! And despite the complex looking weaving of multiple strands - it's surprisingly easy to make. And - it features one of my wave beads in the centre!

So come on out and enjoy the show - drop by the booth and see a demo - head over to the Swarovski Booth for a make and take session and just generally be inspired!

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