Friday, October 31, 2008

Getting ready for the holidays

Ahh, It's Halloween. Tomorrow, all of the Halloween decorations will come down, and the stores will be putting up their Christmas trees, and other decorations. No matter how well I think I've planned, I never seem to be ready. To help you out this year, we're going to be hosting a bunch of Make It and Take It's over the holiday season. For those of you new to beading and jewelry making, this will be especially beneficial.

These sessions are free of chrage, but you do have to buy the actual materials used. A complete list of projects will be going up on the website over the next two weeks. We'll have some cute holiday inspired projects, as well as some stunning jewelry designs that you can use either as a gift giving idea, or gift it to yourself!

Have a safe and happy Halloween!


  1. Ha - some stores didn't wait! I bought Christmas lights at home depot yesterday! Mind you - that's not what I went in there for ... .

  2. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Pleeeeeeez could you make sure some of the demos at least are evenings, so that those of us that have to work to support our bead habits can attend also?
