Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Budding Fiction Writer

A couple of weeks ago - Jen promised you some pictures of some necklaces she made - she made them late in the evening, and left them to take pictures the following day. When she went back for them - they were gone!

So, questioning all the usual suspects led her back to her two young girls. "Have you seen the necklaces I left here?" she asked, trying to keep her voice light, so as not to scare them.

The younger girl piped up immediately. "Yes! They burned up on the train."

There's a long silence from Jen as she frantically tries to think what this is "kidspeak" for. "They burned up on the train?" she prompted.

"Yes - there was a bright blue flame." Now Jen is worried - having visions of the bright blue flame that comes from her lampworking set up - Tell me they have not been fooling around with the torch! she thought to herself, but out loud - she said, "A blue flame?"

Isla nodded, her eyes wide with concentration. "Yes, and then a lion ate my fingers." "But you still have your fingers," Jen countered, "See, there they are."

"Yes," Isla replied, smiling bashfully, "It was in my dream."

Uh huh. In your dream. One day, Jen is going to find a massive cache of missing items, and one day, Isla may have a glorious future as the next great fiction writer. But in the meantime, no necklaces to show you.

The joys of having kids! At least, it's never dull!

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